Our live investigation into the activities of Vincent Liew and Sutee Sukantamala (Art) has recommenced below.

Cathy X - the owner of Bowan Group
It is a source of satisfaction and accomplishment to interact with an individual such as Cathy, who is unambiguously committed to the well-being of her 70+ employees.
In the vast majority of cases, and with the utmost respect, the primary concern of those in Cathy’s position is the nett impact on their pocket. This is understandable and clearly not the case in this instance.
Nevertheless, I was immensely impressed when I inquired of Cathy, “What do you want out of this?”
Despite being presented with a plethora of options, her response was, “I will ensure that each and every one of my employees is taken care of to the best of my ability.”
Consequently, I feel a sense of immense joy and enthusiasm to be able to help Cathy achieve her objective.
Vincent Liew - ex CEO
I have been tasked with the responsibility of conducting investigations into the management services provided to the Bowan Island Bakery by Vincent Liew of Hospitality Management Pty Ltd.
We will be undertaking investigations into a number of allegations within the company. In order to maintain our independence, we have directed the Bowan company director to seek professional advice in relation to internal accounting concerns.
As the saying goes, there are always two sides to a story, and we will be asking the recently resigned CEO, Mr Vincent LIew, to share his perspective.
This is shaping up to be a very interesting investigation and I am excited to be working for one of Australia’s iconic brands.

A variety of allegations were included in our brief. Each allegation, when considered in isolation, indicated that the organisation was plagued by numerous issues.
It was intriguing to discover as we began our in-depth investigations that this was not a series of minor fires in Bowan at all, but rather the result of a sophisticated and calculated crime.
Some of the allegations included, the following;
- Bullying
- Breach of director duties
- Intimidation & threatening behaviour
- Anomalies in accounting
- Intellectual property theft
- Fraud
In order to bring the reader up to speed, I will post the recent letter I sent to Vincent Liew as indicated in the above post when I invited him to share his perspective.

Fake client testamonial
We examined Vincent Liew’s website, www.hmg-plus.com and found that it had a fake client testimonial from Cathy X.
The author of this testimonial was not Cathy X, as was asserted on the Hospitality Management website. I conducted an interview with Cathy X regarding this testimonial, and she was astounded by the content and the author’s arrogance in fraudulently claiming that she was the author.
It is intriguing that the purported testimonial includes a reference to Vincent Liew’s exceptional expertise in the field of Due Diligence. We are eager to engage in an assessment report regarding this alleged exceptional proficiency in due diligence, because it was Vincent Liew’s very own due diligence report that Cathy X was presented with when considering to purchase Bowan.